

Massivo, formerly known as Salmontage, is a well-established carpentry company based in Zurich. With years of experience supplying carpentry services to building sites and large projects, they decided to expand their business by opening a new storefront that would also sell furniture. Recognizing the need for a fresh and modern identity to reflect their evolving business model, they approached us to help with their rebranding efforts.

The Challenge

Massivo faced several key challenges as they transitioned from Salmontage to their new brand:

  • Brand Identity: They needed a new name and logo that would convey their expertise and modern approach while maintaining a connection to their Swiss roots.
  • Marketing Materials: All marketing materials, including business cards, email signatures, and uniforms, needed to be updated to reflect the new brand.
  • Company Profile Brochure: They required a professional brochure to announce the rebranding and new store to their partners.
  • Digital Presence: A modern corporate website was essential to establish an online presence and provide information about their services and new store.

Strategy Session

To address these challenges, we developed a comprehensive rebranding strategy for Massivo:

  1. Brand Development:
    - Name Change: We collaborated with the client to change the company name from Salmontage to Massivo, reflecting their robust and expansive services.
    - Logo Design: We created several logo designs for Massivo, featuring a font-based design with red diamonds as the signature element. The diamonds were cleverly arranged to draw attention to the bold, sans-serif typeface, resulting in a sleek, modern, and sophisticated look. The color scheme of red and white was chosen to evoke Swiss design, ensuring a strong visual identity.
    - Service Icons: To further enhance the brand, we developed unique icons for each of their services, using the diamond shape from the logo. These icons provided a consistent and recognizable visual element across all their communications and materials.
  2. Marketing Materials:
    - Uniforms and Vehicles: The new logo was applied to workers' uniforms and company vehicles, ensuring consistent branding across all touchpoints.
    - Business Cards and Email Signatures: We designed business cards and email signatures that mirrored the new brand identity, providing a cohesive and professional image in all communications.

  3. Company Profile Brochure:
    - Design and Distribution: We designed a modern and professional company profile brochure to introduce the new brand and storefront to Massivo’s partners. The brochure highlighted their expanded services and new product offerings, reinforcing their commitment to quality and innovation.
  4. Website Development:
    - One-Page Site: We launched a sleek, one-page website for Massivo that showcased their services, new store, and contact information. This site serves as an initial online presence and will be expanded into a full website once the store's product catalog is complete.

What we did:

  • 1.

    Name Change

  • 2.

    Logo Design

  • 3.

    Service Icons

  • 4.

    Uniforms and Vehicles

  • 5.

    Business Cards and Email Signatures

  • 6.

    Design and Distribution

  • 7.

    One-Page Site

  • Results

    The rebranding and expansion strategy delivered significant results for Massivo:

    • Strong New Identity: The new name and logo were well-received, effectively capturing the modern and sophisticated essence of Massivo while maintaining a connection to their Swiss heritage.
    • Consistent Branding: The updated marketing materials ensured a cohesive brand image across all platforms, enhancing recognition and trust among clients and partners.
    • Professional Communication: The company profile brochure successfully announced the rebranding and new store, generating positive feedback and interest from partners.
    • Enhanced Online Presence: The initial website established a modern digital presence, setting the stage for further development as the store's product catalog grows.
    • Recognizable Icons: The custom icons for each service, based on the diamond shape, provided a unified visual language that strengthened the brand’s identity and made their services easily identifiable.
    Overall, Massivo's rebranding and expansion efforts have positioned them for continued success and growth in the competitive carpentry and furniture market.h Wagner
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