Nachzik Chazak


Nachzik Chazak is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting widows and orphans, providing essential services such as household repairs, holiday celebrations, and 24-hour availability for emergencies. After establishing a strong presence in Israel through Hebrew newspapers, they sought to expand their reach to the international English-speaking market, requiring a tailored approach to messaging and outreach.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to effectively communicate Nachzik Chazak's mission and services to the international English-speaking community. This involved creating impactful advertising campaigns, developing a sophisticated brand identity, and enhancing their online presence to attract donors and support.

Strategy Session

  1. Newspaper Campaign:
    - Theme-Based Series:
    We designed a compelling newspaper campaign for international Jewish papers like Mishpacha and Yated. Each ad focused on illustrating how Nachzik Chazak supports families during different seasons, using professional photography and a consistent message: "We can't replace their father, but we can help them when they need it most."
    - Storytelling: Weekly newspaper stories highlighted specific instances of assistance provided to widows and orphans, humanizing the organization's impact.
  2. Brand Development:
    - Brochure Design: Created a highly professional brochure featuring a cut-out door on the cover that changed images with each brochure taken out, symbolizing entering into support. This enhanced brand recognition and engagement.
    - Website Redesign: Developed a sophisticated, user-friendly website at to showcase their services, impact stories, and donation opportunities to a global audience.

    3. Donor Engagement Strategy:
    - Tourist Packing Room: Developed a unique donor engagement strategy by creating a tourist packing room where visitors could select and pack gifts for orphaned families. Designed the room, logo, curated gifts, and created an immersive experience through videos and materials.

What we did:

  • 1.

    Advertising Campaign: Theme-based ads in international Jewish newspapers

  • 2.

    Storytelling: Weekly newspaper stories highlighting assistance provided

  • 3.

    Brand Materials: Professional brochure with interactive cover design

  • 4.

    Website: Sophisticated and user-friendly website at

  • 5.

    Donor Engagement: Tourist packing room experience design and implementation

  • Results

    The strategic initiatives significantly enhanced Nachzik Chazak's visibility and impact in the international English-speaking community. The newspaper campaign effectively conveyed the organization's mission and generated awareness among a broader audience. The storytelling approach in weekly ads and stories humanized their services, resonating with potential donors. The interactive brochure and sophisticated website provided a compelling platform for showcasing their work and encouraging support. Overall, these efforts contributed to increased awareness, donations, and continued growth for Nachzik Chazak's impactful mission.

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